#8: 'How COVID transformed a die hard restaurant goer into a home chef' with Beth Myers

The Infamous Drying Rack (credit to Beth)
The Infamous Drying Rack (credit to Beth)
Published: May 24, 2020
Download As: AAC M4A, MP3

This weeks guest is Beth Myers, amazing photographer, lover of all animals (even the delicious ones) and occasional rebel.

She definitely doesn’t fit any traditional definition of foodie, and certainly doesn’t consider herself one, and yet she loves to eat out and try new things. That’s pretty impressive given that she grew up in rural Ohio, where options where limited and spices meant Salt and sometimes a little Pepper.

Only fairly recently has she discovered her love for cooking. She still loves being served, and not having to deal with the cleanup afterwards, but these difficult times have sparked her interest in making more food at home with her loving husband (who is currently learning to cook, too).


Beth can be found at:
Facebook: Beth Myers

Question for our listeners: What’s the cheap & simple dish in your part of the world?
Please share with us on Twitter or where ever else you may find us.

Please follow me on Twitter (@foodieflashback).

Have a story to tell? Please reach out to us so that we can all enjoy it with you! Either via Twitter or using this handy little form

Intro music: “Child’s Play” by Alex Nekita (alexnekita)

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